SWS Events

Kindness Day

Kindness Day is observed by students and staff every September 11th as a reminder of kindness in the world. Children enter the celebration in our multipurpose room though a tunnel formed by their teachers’ clasped hands. Students exchange handmade gifts they have made for one another and gather together to sing and discuss how they can build a community of kindness.

Thanksgiving Potluck

Each class hosts a Thanksgiving Potluck before students break for the holiday. Parents are encouraged to join their children on this day and bring in a dish to share.

Winter Solstice Celebration

SWS observes the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year, by wearing our pajamas to school, stringing lights around classrooms, creating objects that catch or reflect the light, and eating breakfast for lunch in the classrooms. We turn our attention to the season of light as many winter celebrations include the use of candles and special lights to ward off the dark and/or to symbolize the light of goodness in the world. Teachers plan individual celebrations in their classrooms involving cooking, singing, and other activities. It’s a favorite day among students and staff and the kids love seeing their teachers (and principal!) come to school in PJs!

Parent Nights

Parent Nights are held throughout the year and serve to provide parents with timely information about school events and teaching and learning practices at SWS. Parent Nights provide an opportunity for teachers to share how Reggio Emilia is aligned with the DCPS curriculum in the classroom, the use of documentation as teacher, the critical role of the ateleristas at SWS, and what the “next grade” looks like in practice. Babysitting for siblings 3 years and older is provided for a nominal fee.

Parent Coffees

Each month one class or grade level hosts a morning parent coffee in the front hall outside the multipurpose room beginning at 8:30am. This is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. All SWS parents and caregivers are welcome so stop by for some coffee and a bite!